Introducing: Gutenberg III
Gutenberg the 3rd – A guide for digital books design – is officially launching. Together, we aim to discover –…
Gutenberg the 3rd – A guide for digital books design – is officially launching. Together, we aim to discover –…
See the complete research on KVB Boekwerk Monitor Media
Feel free to download and experiment with this great software!
Loads of tutorials are out there for you.
Donna Hay’s food magazine had a mobile app for 10 years. The app is since December 2018 off the app store due to changes in partnership. We hope it will be back on soon!
Reading in NL 2018 (Dutch)
/download PDF
read more on Oprah Winfrey’s Book Club for Apple
Holy card; served as a souvenir for Pilgrims.
Cancellation letter; is a written proof from the Church that an indulgence (remission of punishment for sins that had been confessed) has been granted.
From the interviews of Niels Schrader, Peter Bil’ak and Daniel Gross.
A conversation and
go buy fonts! on www.typotheque.com
we assume you don’t have time for it – it’s an hour long! – but if you do, it’s a real gem. click here to
click to read the complete interview
This data is from a Deloitte mobile consumer survey conducted in NL 2018. There are other researches with even higher numbers in our sources list.
Reading in NL 2018 (Dutch). Super interesting data, but for this asterisk you can skip to page 43.
visit Peter Bil’ak’s website
check out the KABK Graphic Design Department
take a look at Valiz Publishers’ website
have a look at studio mind design’s website